RAINLOG 2.0 / RAINEW Rain gauge with data logger RainWise® RainLogger™ Data Logging Rain Gauges HOBO Rain Gauge Data Logger RG-3
RainWise RainLogger Complete Package without Mounting Mast
Perfect for logging rainfall at remote locations, the battery-operated RainLogger records total rainfall with one-minute time/date stamp resolution. The system is comprised of a tipping bucket rain gauge fitted with a RainLog™ 2.0 data logger. The data logger features a 2 MB nonvolatile memory and can record and store data for five years or longer. Powered by two AAA alkaline batteries (included), the data logger also offers easy USB connectivity. The rain gauge is calibrated to 0.01˝ (0.25mm) per tip and is constructed of high-impact polypropylene. Also included is RL-Loader 2 Windows®-based software for use in configuring the logger and downloading data. Data can be displayed in text and graphical formats, and you can easily print graphs and reports. Previously saved data can also be used for analysis and report generation. Includes data logger, rain bucket, software, and USB cable.
#HOBO Rain Gauge Data Logger RG-3
high quality rain gauge with affordable price
Similar to Kisters TB3 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge