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Introduction: Lightning Hazard in Malaysia 

Lightning hazards are significant in Malaysia due to its tropical climate, characterized by high humidity and frequent thunderstorms. The country experiences a high frequency of lightning strikes, particularly during the monsoon seasons, which can lead to injuries, fatalities, and property damage.

Key Points on Lightning Hazards in Malaysia:

  1. High Frequency of Lightning Strikes: Malaysia is among the countries with the highest lightning strike frequency in the world. According to the Malaysian Meteorological Department, certain areas can experience over 200 thunderstorm days per year.

  2. Seasonal Patterns: The southwest monsoon (May to September) and the northeast monsoon (November to March) are peak periods for thunderstorms, with lightning strikes occurring most frequently during these times.

  3. Safety Risks: Lightning poses risks to both individuals and infrastructure. Fatalities and injuries from lightning strikes occur, particularly among outdoor workers and people engaged in recreational activities during storms.

  4. Preventive Measures: Awareness campaigns and safety guidelines are promoted by agencies like the Malaysian Meteorological Department to educate the public about lightning safety, including the importance of seeking shelter during storms.


  • Malaysian Meteorological Department. (Various reports and guidelines regarding weather patterns and safety measures related to thunderstorms and lightning).

For the most current and detailed statistics, you can visit the Malaysian Meteorological Department’s official website or consult recent publications on meteorological research in Malaysia.

Why we need lightning detector in Malaysia? 

Lightning detectors are crucial in Malaysia for several reasons:

  1. High Frequency of Lightning Strikes: Malaysia experiences a high number of thunderstorms and lightning strikes, making detection systems essential for monitoring and predicting lightning activity.

  2. Safety and Risk Reduction: By providing real-time alerts about lightning activity, detectors help protect people, especially those outdoors, such as workers in agriculture or construction, as well as recreational users.

  3. Damage Prevention: Lightning can cause significant damage to infrastructure, including buildings, communication systems, and electrical grids. Early detection allows for preventive measures to minimize damage.

  4. Enhanced Forecasting: Lightning detectors contribute valuable data to meteorological services, improving weather forecasts and enhancing understanding of storm patterns.

  5. Public Awareness and Education: Lightning detection systems can facilitate public awareness campaigns, informing communities about lightning risks and safe practices during storms.

  6. Emergency Response: In emergencies, timely information from lightning detectors can help guide rescue operations and ensure safety measures are implemented quickly.

By investing in lightning detection technology, Malaysia can enhance safety, reduce economic losses, and improve overall public awareness regarding lightning hazards. Below we will list a few Lightning Detection Solution available from us at Sureserv Engineering.

Lightning Detection Solution available from us at Sureserv Engineering

observator lightning solutions

Above is our Lightning Warning System and Thunderstorm Detector from Observator, 

BTD-200 Lightning Warning System
BTD-300 Thunderstorm Detector
BTD-350 Thunderstorm Detector

Thunderstorm detectors are self-contained standalone devices that detect the presence of all forms of lightning, including intra-cloud, cloud to cloud and cloud to ground. Additionally, our sensors can warn of the risk of overhead lightning before the first discharge.

The unique quasi-electrostatic operating principle, developed by Biral, ensures very high detection efficiency, whilst maintaining a false alarm rate that is almost zero. Price upon request, kindly contact us to get a quotation for above item.

strike guard lightning

The SG000 is an optical-coincidence lightning sensor that detects actual lightning strikes for up to 20 miles away. Available as an option for our CS110 Electric Field Meter, the SG000 Strike Guard is used in conjunction with the CS110 to create a complete lightning-threat measurement and analysis system. Data from the two sensors can be used to control warning systems and to help personnel make evacuation and shutdown decisions.


Above is our portable personal lightning detector which is StrikeAlert HD. Storm Pro2, Skyscan P5 and StrikeAlert Personal Lightning Detector

climavue50 1

The ClimaVue™50 is an affordable all-in-one meteorological sensor that fulfills your common weather monitoring needs with simplicity, when paired with any of Campbell Scientific's highly flexible and scalable data collection platforms. This sensor uses SDI-12 to report air temperature, relative humidity, vapor pressure, baro­metric pressure, wind (speed, gust, and direction), solar radiation, precipitation, and lightning strike (count and distance). It does this with no moving parts, while consuming little power. A built-in tilt sensor assures long-term data integrity. This diverse product is great for quick deployment, for remote locations, for large networks, as part of a more complex system, or if you just need something simple.