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WatchDog 2475 Plant Growth Station

RM 6,498.00
  • Sku No: 3686WD
  • Ideal for greenhouses - included sensors for quantum (PAR) light, air temperature, relative humidity, with 1 available external sensor port.
  • Computes and displays Daily Light Integral (DLI), dew point and degree days; live display of current light and cumulative light over the day
  • Computes and displays DIF - Average day/ night temperature differences
  • Computes and displays VPD - Vapor Pressure Deficit (upgrade required for pre-2013 stations)
  • Air temperature: -32 to 100 degree Celcius
  • RH: 10% to 100%
  • Dew point: -73 to 60 degree Celcius
  • Delivery time: 4 to 8 weeks