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Wagner Orion® 940 Data Collection Pinless Wood Moisture Meter Kit

RM 2,861.20

• Data collection & dual depth pinless moisture meter.

• Easily set wood species to measure what you need.

• Relative measurement mode to measure non-solid wood such as drywall.

• Includes an on-demand calibrator.

Internal Data Storage Capacity - 100 saved readings

Measurement Ranges

- MC for wood: 4.0% to 32.0% (range will vary slightly depending on species setting)

- Relative Measurement Scale: 0-100

Dual Depth Measurement

- Appropriate for reading into the wood to .25” (6.4mm) in depth in the shallow scan mode

- Appropriate for reading into the wood to .75” (19mm) in the deep scan mode

The Orion 940 Data Collection Pinless Wood Moisture Meter Kit features the Orion 940, carrying the Wagner tradition of superior accuracy forward with the added versatility of dual depth measurement and data collection. The Orion 940 can collect data in two modes, either manual or automatic, with viewable moisture stats. The Orion 940 can store up to 100 readings and includes high-low-average analysis. A flexible rubber boot makes the 940 durable enough to withstand your toughest jobs.

The Orion 940 joins the rest of the Orion line of meters in being the first in the industry to provide true in-the-field calibration capability with the included On-Demand Calibrator. Calibrate your Orion 940 at your location in about 30 seconds whenever you want.

The Orion line of wood moisture meters continues Wagner’s 50-plus year tradition of providing accurate, dependable non-damaging pinless moisture measurement technology, measuring IN the wood not just ON the wood.