Temtop S1 Indoor Air Quality Monitor AQI PM2.5 Temperature Humidity Detector for Home, Office or School
Monitors Air Quality Indicator (AQI), PM2.5, temperature and humidity
°F/°C switch
With magnetic mount and tabletop stand
Indoor PM2.5 is very common, may include pollen, dirt, dusting, pet dander, vacuuming, burning candles, cooking, use of fireplace or smoking. Exposure to inhalable PM2.5 can affect both your lungs and your heart.
Technical Specifications
Dimension 3.5 x 2.7 x 0.7 in
Weight About 0.24 lb
Temperature Measuring Range 14° to 140°F (-10° to +60°C)
Temperature Accuracy ±0.5°F
Humidity Measuring Range 0 to 99.9% RH
Humidity Accuracy ±3% RH
PM2.5 Measuring Range 0 to 999 µg/m3
PM2.5 Accuracy ±5 µg/m3 (0 - 50 µg/m3)
±10 µg/m3 (50 - 100 µg/m3)
±10% µg/m3 (100 - 500 µg/m3)
Work Mode Smart Mode (automatic)
Real-time Mode (about 1.5s)
Interval Mode (5 min)
Eco Mode (30 min)
Battery Life ≥14 hours (Real-time mode)
≥7 days (Eco mode)
Operation Environment -10 to +60°C / 0 to 99.9% RH
Input 5V / 1A
Display Segment code screen 3.3 in