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SEBA Hydrometrie Encoder SURFLOAT-SENSOR for recording water levels

RM 0.00

*price upon request, kindly contact us at +60122437626 or thank you*


The SEBA encoder type SURFLOAT-SENSOR is a robust, float-driven encoder for recording water-levels. As stand-alone instrument for desk-mounting, the SURFLOAT-SENSOR can be operated with float and counterweight, as well as with the proven beaded float cable (free of slip and slide effects). Besides this the SURFLOAT-SENSOR is excellently suitable for adaption to all conventional measuring gauges (i.e. SEBA Delta, Horizontal Gauge XI, foreign instrument, etc.) In standard version the SURFLOAT-SENSOR is equipped with a LC-display.This makes operation very simple: by activation of the LC-display and simultaneous turning of the float-wheel, the desired measuring value can be adjusted by the observer. The instrument can be operated with external, as well as internal power supply. In case of external power supply, the built-in lithium cell serves as back-up and emergency supply.

  • robust, reliable and maintenance-free encoder with integrated display
  • for adaption to all conventional measuring gauges or as stand-alone instrument for desk mounting
  • with RS232-interface or on request with parallel output (BCD, Gray-code, Binary)
  • internal battery supply as buffer in case of power failure