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Munsell Plant Tissue Colour Chart

RM 2,598.00

 SKU: SBM301010

Munsell Plant Tissue Color Chart

lant Color Charts Provide a Handy Plant Color Reference for Analyzing Plant Tissue Color.

If you’re a botanist or scientist, the 17 plant color charts offer a fast, convenient method for identifying and communicating the color of plant tissues.  Plant color charts help you diagnose adverse conditions responsible for the deterioration of plants.

Why Use Plant Color Charts?

The color of plant tissues reflects the influence of light, critical temperatures, and the chemical composition of the soil, especially when the soil is deficient in certain major or minor nutrient elements. Sometimes plant color reveals the genetic origin of plants, effect of toxic substances, or the action of parasitic organisms. Plant color charts provide scientists, students, and plant growers with information needed to respond to problems related to taxonomy, genetics, physiology, pathology, and plant nutrition.


Contains 320 matte color chips mounted on charts for 17 hues: 2.5R, 5R, 10R, 2.5YR, 5YR, 7.5YR, 2.5Y, 5Y, 2.5GY, 5GY, 7.5GY, 2.5G, 5G, 7.5G, 5BG, 2.5B, and 5RP. Instructions, binder, and masks included. 1977 Edition.